Agneta Anderson
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
What color is the letter a?
I see colors everywhere, even in letters and numbers.
For a long time I thought that everybody else did too.
A figurative language and a powerful imagination have always been a strong part of my
identity. I come from generations of curious creators, brave adventurers and self made artists
from the arctic north.
Like me.
I was born in the Nordic light, raised with a Scandinavian touch and I grew up surrounded by
historical architecture, antique art and furniture mixed by contemporary design.
This mix became my origin and left a deep imprint on my signature brush stroke.
I used to be a co-owner of a small but very succesful record label and music production
company. It was crazy busy but always fun, and It gave me many creative outlet opportunities.
To capture, create and develop the image of a new artist, you need to focus on the originality,
personality and quality they have, and then refine it. From the deep core within to the artistic
I try to do the same in my art.
Capture, develop and refine, with a love for color, texture, form and beauty in all shapes.
The inspiration from being among and around different expressions of art and people, triggers
my impressions, thoughts and experience from life as it presents itself to me and all my senses.
I have a playful and experimental approach to creating art. My mediums are plentiful, but
mostly I work with acrylic and mixed media.
....and by the way. The letter a is red.
My artist statement.
I paint to capture, create and refine the inspiration thoughts and experience from life as it
presents itself to me and all my senses.